Home of the Central Indiana Equestrian Team

The Central Indiana Equestrian Team is an Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA), Dressage Seat Equitation and Dressage Test recognized team in Zone 5 and is now located at Kolowa Equestrian in Atlanta, IN. We welcome both middle school and high school riders of all levels to join our team. See below for Important Team dates coming up!

For the 2024/2025 Season, Team Tryouts are Thursday, July 11th at 6:30pm until 1:00am.
The season will run from August 1, 2024 through February 28, 2025. 4th and 5th graders are now considered part of the team and can show and gain points like the other riders. They can qualify for Semi Finals and go all the way to Finals, which is very cool. Membership is now open.
Junior Membership Information
Central Indiana Equestrian offers a Junior Membership opportunity to anyone age 17 and under that wants to join the team but is not quite ready to compete on the team. The cost is $600 for the 2024/2025 season. Our Practice Season runs August 1, 2024 – February 28, 2025, this year. This cost covers 1 monthly practice lesson with the team. An additional $50 will be required to sign up for the actual Junior Membership through the IEA itself.
Junior members are required to attend at least 1 show of the season to support their fellow team members and to experience an IEA show to better prepare them for competing on the team. Junior members are also invited to attend all team activities, fundraisers, or any other special events as a team member. No additional show attire will be required with the Junior Membership.
Cost and Signup Information
- The cost to join the Central Indiana Equestrian Team will be $1100.00 for the 2024/2025 season. This fee will cover 1 practice each month throughout the entire season August 1, 2024, to February 28, 2025, or 7 practices total. I will post a practice schedule on the TeamSnap App and you will be required to sign up for 1 practice each month of your choice throughout the duration of the season. This cost will also cover the trainer fee at all 5 pre-season shows and the team sign up costs!! Payment for the season of $1100.00 will be due by the start of the season August 1, 2024. Or you may choose to split it into two separate payments. Payment #1 of $550.00 will be due by August 1, 2024, and payment #2 of $550.00 will be due by October 1, 2024. At least the first payment must be made before a participant will be eligible to begin practicing with the team.
- This cost does not include any trainer travel expenses, horse show entry fees, or trainer fee at Semi Finals, Zone Finals or National Finals. Please be prepared to go all the way to National Finals!!
- Trainer Fee at Semifinals, Zones, or Nationals is $75.00 per day
- Members will also be responsible for the initial $60 sign-up fee with the IEA in order to be considered an IEA member or junior member of the Central Indiana Equestrian Team. Members will be receiving a free fan membership with the USEF with their membership to the IEA.
- A Junior Membership will be available to those wanting to join the team but are within their first year of lessons. This cost is $600 for the 2024/2025 season. Please see the Junior membership information above for additional information.
- Want to join the Hunt Seat Team as well? Cost will be $2500 for BOTH teams which is a $200 savings!!!
- Grades 4-12 will be eligible to compete with the team. However, in order to compete with the team, the rider must have at least one year riding experience or be able to confidently Walk, Trot, and Canter comfortably on an unfamiliar horse. Eligibility for riders to compete will be at the sole discretion of the teams Coach. New riders in any grade are encouraged to join the team as “junior members” in order to gain the knowledge required to compete in following seasons. Junior members will be included in all team meetings, competitions, and learning experiences.
- In order to compete: Participants must have access to tall boots or jodhpur straps, tan/white with only patch on inside of knee or full seat breeches, a show shirt with a tie, choker, stock tie, or stand-up collar, show coat with short tails, and an approved ASTM/SEI helmet, please see “Recommended Attire” as to the exact requirements.
- We will also plan to have a show at Kolowa Equestrian. If you would be interested in being on the show planning committee please let me know.
- For Competitions: Horses will be provided by the host school district. Riders will draw a name out of a hat, for which, they will be competing on in their division for that day.
- Since this is new to Indiana, traveling to shows will be necessary. It looks like we will be going to Muncie, IN; Star City, IN; Columbus, OH; Lawrence, MI; or Cincinnati, OH mostly.
- Parents will be responsible for any costs associated with the horse show entry fees for their child, as well as, any travel expenses occurred by their family while traveling to competitions.
- Dressage Seat Equitation Entry fees per show are $45/class or $90 for each show.
- Dressage Test Classes are $50 per class
- All entry fees must be paid before the student will be eligible to compete.
- Each day is considered 1 show day, so the total show commitment is 2 and ½ weekends.
- The team members will be responsible for splitting the cost of the trainer’s travel expenses.
- Competing team members will be accountable for showing up to competitions with their boots clean and shiny, breeches clean, jacket and show shirt clean, and helmet clean for every competition.
- Members must show in a Minimum of two competitions and a Maximum of 5 competitions, per IEA, through the post season in order for their points to count towards Regional finals, Zone finals, or National Finals. As an estimate, each show will cost roughly between $200 and $300.
Recommended Competition Attire
- It is important to look your very best at these competitions. Clean freshly polished tall boots or jodhpur straps will be required at every competition, as well as a clean and pressed show shirt and jacket. Black gloves, tan/white breeches, a black belt, and an ASTM/SEI approved black helmet will be required. No plastic black helmets will be considered acceptable.
- Breeches: Taylored Sportsman, Ariat, and Treadstep are some of the desired brands. Tan or White Breeches with only patch on inside of knee or full seat are required. A Black Belt will also be required.
- Boots: Ariat or Treadstep Type Brands. Boots need to be leather, not plastic; form fitting around calf, length should come to top of knee at side, middle of back of knee, and bottom of front of knee.
- Hunt Coats: Navy Blue or Black is preferred. Form Fitting around waist and sleeves to wrist length, with short tails
- Show Shirts: White show shirt will be required with stock tie, choker, stand-up collar, or tie. Please be sure shirt length is appropriate as show shirts will be tucked into breeches.
- Helmets: ASTM/SEI Approved Helmets are required. Recommended Brands: Charles Owen, GPA, Samshield, One K, or IRH. Please no plastic Troxels or Ovation Helmets for showing.
- Hair Nets: Hair will be required to be pulled back in a low bun and gathered in a Dressage hair net. We will hold a pre-show dress rehearsal to be sure everyone is aware of correct hair styling method.
- Gloves: Black or White Leather Equestrian Riding Gloves will be required at every show.
Important Links for Memberships
- Membership to IEA: www.rideiea.org
- Membership to USEF: www.usef.org
- Membership to USDF: www.usdf.org

Team Practices and Special Events
- Team Practices will be limited to a group of 3 –6 riders, skill specific, and ranging from an hour to two hour session as needed. 4 – 6 practices will be offered each month and will be set up at the start of the season and will be the member’s responsibility to make it to 1 practice each month of the season. These practices will have a limit of participants due to horse constraints so be sure to sign up immediately. If a member is unable to make it to 1 of the 4-6 practices, no make-up will be offered. If unforeseen circumstances prevent a scheduled practice, a makeup practice will be scheduled at some point through the season, if at all possible.
- A calendar of events for the 2024/2025 season for the practices and competitions will be given out by the Sign up Deadline August 1, 2024 or as it becomes available from other Teams.
- Members are required to attend a minimum of 1 practice per month to be eligible to compete with the team.
- Members are strongly encouraged to take a weekly riding lesson throughout the season, either at Kolowa Equestrian Center or their usual farm.
- Special Events, Meetings, and Fundraisers will be scheduled throughout the season as well. Please be sure to check your TeamSnap App often to see when these events will be taking place.
- Members will be required to wear proper schooling attire for each practice. Breeches and either boots or half chaps will need to be worn in order to practice successfully. We will also be requiring hair to be up in a hair net for each practice!
- If you miss a team practice it will be up to the discretion of the coach if it will be rescheduled. If we are forced to cancel due to weather, it will be up to the coach’s discretion as to when and if those practices will be rescheduled.
Team Captain’s: We will be nominating, by vote, a Team Captain from the High School Team, as well as, a Team Co-Captain from the Middle School Team again this year. This year both captains will be required to post updates from each show, as well as, put together a team bonding outing. A team fundraising opportunity will also be encouraged. If you do not wish to participate as a possible captain, please be sure to let me know.
Practice Updates
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Central Indiana Equestrian Team – 2024 – 2025 Show & Practice Schedule
Make sure you are signed up for your TeamSnap account to view all appropriate schedules!
Click the button below to sign-in.
Show Scoring
Individual rider points per class are as follows:
7 Points | 1st Place |
5 Points | 2nd Place |
4 Points | 3rd Place |
3 Points | 4th Place |
2 Points | 5th Place |
1 Point | 6th Place |
Rider Post Season Qualification
To qualify for post season competition, a rider must accumulate at least 15 points in that class. (Regionals) Achieving a 1st or 2nd place at Regionals would qualify the rider for the next round of post season (Zones) and so on.
Team Scoring
Team points (i.e. Middle School Team / High School Team) are also accumulated at each show as follows:
7 Points | Champion |
5 Points | Reserve |
4 Points | 3rd Place |
3 Points | 4th Place |
2 Points | 5th Place |
1 Point | 6th Place |
Team Post Season Qualification
To qualify as a team to compete in post season shows, a minimum of 20 team points for the show season are required. At each show, a team point rider is designated per division and the cumulative points that rider scores in both classes (jumping/flat) are used to determine overall team placings.
Rider Information
Central Indiana Equestrian Team Show Recaps
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