Donkey and Dixie
Donkey is a 20 year old mini gelding donkey and Dixie is a 2 year old mini female donkey. Both donkeys will be sure to grab your attention with their loud brays, especially if they feel you are holding out treats on them! Donkey has our feed schedule down to the minute and will happily announce when dinner time is for all of the horses at the farm. If we don’t feed him right at that time, he will happily share 15 minute reminders until his dinner arrives each day! We are very thankful for all of his help! Donkey is very tame and has been a staple of our farm his whole life. Dixie is still working on trusting all of these new humans that enter her life each day, but is definitely trying her hardest. Both donkeys prove that size does not equal strength when we try to get them to do anything they don’t wish too. Holy cow are they strong!